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DIY Smoked Salt

Learn to Smoke Salt at Home! It only takes a few simple tools.
Cuisine American
Keyword DIY, Grilling, Smoked Salt
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 5 hours


  • Pellet Smoker Tube
  • Wood Pellets
  • Propane Torch


  • Coarse sea salt
  • 8 x8 aluminum cake pan
  • 12 ” pellet smoker tube
  • Wood pellets to fill tube
  • Propane torch to light pellets
  • Aluminum foil


  • Lay a long piece of aluminum foil over grill surface.
  • Fill cake pan 1” deep with salt.
  • Fill smoker tube with wood pellets
  • Place smoker tube on grill grates and light top pellets with propane torch. Ensuring you have a good flame established.
  • Wait 5-10 minutes for flame to die down and make sure pellets are smoldering like you want them to. Use tongs to lay smoker tube on its side on foil
  • Place pan with salt next to smoker tube.
  • Tent pan and tube with 18-24” piece of doubled foil that has been folded down the middle to make a wide piece of foil.
  • Leave salt 30 minutes to 1 hour then return to stir and check its progress.
  • Repeat this stirring process every hour or so for 4-5 hours depending on how long your smoke tube lasts